For Palestine youth children women PWDs

We collaborate in Together For Palestine

Aiming to provide emergency response to the escalated needs of the displaced community in the Gaza Strip.

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We are committed to promoting the resilience of the Palestinian human

And to advance comprehensive and sustainable development in the Gaza Strip by providing fundamental relief and rehabilitation needs, in accordance with human rights and dignity.

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T4P is a national holistic relief response

Launched by the Social Developmental Forum (SDF) to respond to the escalating humanitarian crisis in the Gaza Strip. The program aims to provide relief, shelter, food, and nonfood items to the displaced community in addition to youth-led educational, rehabilitation, and psychosocial support activities.

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We collaborate with national and international partners

Who are key stakeholders in achieving sustainable development and change. Our partners significantly contribute to advancing our efforts and impact by implementing relief projects and programs that boost the Palestinian community’s resilience.

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Your donation may be a lifeline to several families in Gaza

By donating to T4P, you are contributing to our efforts of providing food and non-food items, clean water, psychosocial support, and informal education to people in need. Extend a helping hand and join our command.

Support T4P to promote the Palestinian's life

+ 0
Food parcels
Cash assistance
0 $
Shelter needs
Hygiene kits

Do you need urgent assistance?

Don’t hesitate to contact us. Fill in the form and our team will contact you as soon as possible.